Legal advice on contract in Vietnam


Contract is an agreement between parties to establish, change or terminate rights and obligations in specific relations. Within the scope of law, contract allows parties to create their own rules forcing the other to comply with its terms and conditions – specifying the rights and obligations of the parties. It is a product of consideration and agreement between the parties on legitimate rights and interests through negotiation.

Contract negotiation requires advisors not only to guarantee the interests of the parties but also to anticipate potential risks in order to modify the terms and conditions in compliance with practical situations and provisions of law (both content and formalities). Therefore, consultation on drafting and negotiating contracts requires high level of expertise and in-depth insights of relevant legal provisions.

With a team of lawyers specialized in civil, corporate and commercial law, who have significant practical experience in drafting, negotiating and entering into contract as well as resolving disputes arising, ALB & Partners is willing to provide Clients assistance in contract advice as follows:

  • To give advice and represent clients on negotiating and entering into contract;
  • To collect information, documents; find business partners in accordance with clients’ requests;
  • To draft a contract according to clients’ demand, and guarantee the optimal rights and interests of clients, and balance the interests of parties in the contract;
  • To explain the content of the contract;
  • To explain the regulations and the implementation of law provisions in practice;
  • To evaluate, assess the safety and effectiveness of the draft contract from clients;
  • To give advice on solutions to contract disputes, and represent clients on resolving them.
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ALB & Partners Law Firm is known as a professional and reputable legal advisor with respect to investment and business activities of foreign investors in Vietnam.

For further information on our legal services, please feel free to contact us!

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